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Families interested in enrolling their children at St. John the Evangelist are encouraged to contact the school at any time. However, the formal registration process begins in February each year. Registration for St. John the Evangelist gives first priority to families of students currently enrolled in the school for the following year. After current students are re-registered, classes are filled with new students. In the event there are more applications to fill a particular grade level than there are spaces available, the following guidelines will be followed when accepting students:


  1. A child who has a sibling currently enrolled in grades Preschool-8 at St. John the Evangelist School according to the following priority:

    • A child of a family who is an active member of either St. John the Evangelist Parish, Holy Name Parish or St. Edward Parish.

    • A child of a family who is Catholic, but newly registered at St. John the Evangelist, Holy Name Parish or St. Edward Parishes.

    • A child of a family who is Catholic, but a member of a parish other than St. John the Evangelist, Holy Name or St. Edward.

    • A child or family not affiliated with a parish.

  2. A child (without current siblings in the school) from a family who  an active member of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Holy Name, or St. Edward Parish.

  3. A child from a family who has newly moved to the area and registers at St. John the Evangelist, Holy Name or St. Edward Parishes. (Non-parishioner tuition rates will apply for one year unless parents can provide a signed statement that they have regularly attended Mass and were involved in their home parish.)

  4. A child from a family who has been and wants to remain an active member of a Catholic parish other than St. John the Evangelist, Holy Name or St. Edward. (Non-parishioner tuition rates will apply for the duration of the child's years at St. John the Evangelist School.)

  5. A child from a family who is Catholic but not an active member of a parish. (Non-parishioner tuition rates will apply unless/until the family member become active member of a parish and regularly attends Mass for one year.)

  6. A child from a family who is not Catholic. (Non-parishioner tuition rates will apply the duration of the child's years at St. John the Evangelist School.



Registered parishioners must be active and supportive members of the parish in order for them to receive parish subsidy for their children in the school.  A registered member of St. John the Evangelist Parish must participate in the Liturgy each Sunday and every holy day of obligation be involved in the spiritual and social aspects of the parish. Mass attendance is verified through the parish envelope system. It is also necessary that parishioners regularly take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and frequent reception of the Eucharist, and participate in the sacramental preperation programs. Registered families are expected to be good stewards of their time, talent and treasure for the overall good of the parish community. School parents who fail to meet these responsibilities of registered parishioners will be required to pay the full cost of educating their children. If evidence of non-parishioner status occurs midyear, the family is expected to pay full cost of non-parishioner rates for that year.


Please refer to the "Definition of a Registered Member of St. John the Evangelist Parish" for more specific information.



The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the first teachers of their children in ways of faith. Children first learn the practice of the Catholic faith at home by the example of their parents. The role of the Catholic school is to support and enhance the parents in those efforts by providing a more formal catechetical program that helps to educate and form their children in the Catholic Faith.


Parents who enroll their children at St. John the Evangelist are required to sign a covenant stating that they intend to practice the Catholic faith by attending Mass, with their children, each Sunday and Holy day and will live a life in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church.


Parents who do not sign this covenant, or who fail to fulfill this faith responsibility, will be asked to remove their children from the school. The parish cannot fulfill its responsibility alone, but only in partnership with parents.



Open enrollment for new families begins February 12, 2024.  Families enrolling students at St. John the Evangelist must submit all of the following in order for the registration process to be complete (download checklist):


  • Application for Registration - New Family (download form)

  • Application for Registration - Current Family (download form)

  • Birth Certificate

  • Baptismal Certificate

  • Registration Fee of $100

  • Most recent report card and standardized test results (Grades K-8)

  • Release of Records (download form)

  • English as a Second Language (download form)

  • Religious Education/Formation (download form)


Entrance exams are required for all students entering grades 1 through 8. Kindergarten students will participate in a screening. Students may be asked to take a short reading and math survey to identify any potential areas of strength or needs prior to entrance at St. John the Evangelist. Parents of students with IEP's are also required to submit a copy of the child's individual plan.

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