The Gift of Prayer is always welcome and most appreciated. If however you would like to assist monetarily, the following areas are a consideration. All gifts are tax deductible.

Put on your gym shoes and join us for the SJE 5K run or 1 mile fun walk on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 8:00 AM. 100% of the proceeds from the event will go towards St. John the Evangelist Education Foundation. This event cannot be a success without your help!
Go to and sign up your family, friends, neighbors, etc. to walk or run in the event. Each participant that signs up by July 28, 2024 is guaranteed a race day t-shirt that can also double as spirit wear.
Make the event even more successful by contacting Kellee Wyzgowski at and sign up to sponsor the event. Sponsorship levels start as low as $100.
We need volunteers! Contact Katie Hurey at and start earning those precious volunteer hours for the 2024-2025 school year.
All student participants will receive a NUT day card. Parent participants earn one service hour for signing up.

Spring Fling: May 3, 2024, Halls of St. George/Schererville
Spring Fling is the school’s premier event that attracts 450+ attendees from the parish, SJE School, and the local business community. The evening consists of mingling stations, beer and wine, live entertainment, dancing, silent auctions, and exciting raffles & games, with proceeds benefiting SJE School. Besides attending the event in May, we ask for your help NOW in the following ways!
Become a Sponsor or Partner
Spring Fling sponsors and partners help underwrite the expenses for Spring Fling. In exchange, sponsors receive advertising exposure before, during, and after the event to more than 4,000 consumers in the parish, school and surrounding St. John community.
Become a Donor
Many items are needed for the live and silent auctions, raffles and games. Think of Spring Fling while Christmas shopping or if you receive unwanted gifts!
Local date nights, girls' night outs, and nights on the town
Getaways/vacations for couples, families, and/or friends
Family Fun, father/son or mother/daughter experiences
Home maintenance, repair and/or improvement packages
Technology, accessories and services for "plugged in" packages
Exciting/one of a kind experiences: for example, day with local news crew or ride with police
Use of condominiums / vacation homes
Gift cards / certificates / gift basket items
Become a Volunteer
Unlike other Parish events, Spring Fling needs the bulk of its workers BEFORE the event rather than during the event. Volunteer now to help plan this beautiful event!
For more information about Spring Fling, please email Jeanne Lukac at to get involved and make the 2022 Spring Fling a success! More information is also available on the Spring Fling website.
Scavenger hunts by Let's Roam

The purpose of the Educational Foundation is to assist the school in its commitment to provide capital improvements and state-of-the-art technology and educational programs for its students. The Foundation is responsible for maintaining an endowment and investing funds for use in the operation of the school while keeping the principle intact.
The St. John the Evangelist Educational Foundation invites parents, grandparents, local businesses and individuals who value Catholic education to help ensure St. John the Evangelist School's presence for generations to come. Gifts to the Foundation are welcome from individuals, families, and corporations. Donations can be made through personal trusts, annuities, stock, real estate, life insurance, or even a bequest in a will. For more information on how you can help "unlock the future" for our children through Catholic education, visit or contact or a member of the Educational Foundation Board.

Race is a walk for students held during school day that helps raise funds to enrich our students' academic experience. Money raised from the event has contributed toward the purchase of Promethean Boards, new textbooks, remodeled bathrooms, and many school projects. This year we are raising funds for updated math curriculum textbooks, participation in academic competitions, launching a National Junior Honor Society and a new laminator and copier for teachers. Each school family is asked to submit contact info for 5 potential sponsors.
Thank you to all who supported the 2023 Race for Education. God bless!
To make a donation, visit uWalk.

Families are encouraged to download the Box Tops app and scan grocery receipts to earn points. Parents can also cut out Box Tops and mail them directly to the company, given current COVID concerns. To learn more about how to mail in Box Tops, click here. In the past, Box Tops have been redeemed for almost $2,000 cash each year and has purchased gym and playground equipment, rugs, and other classroom items.