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At SJE faith formation is very important. We have a unique opportunity to help shape the Catholic identity of each student. We attend Mass and adoration weekly, making sure our students have a pivotal role in planning our liturgies. In doing this, we seek to introduce them to the Person of Jesus present in the Sacraments.

Our curriculum in the elementary school grades is focused on finding God in our everyday lives and responding to His gift of love. Our middle school curriculum finds inspiration from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, molding and teaching students about the Old Testament, New Testament, prayer and morality. In all things, we seek to introduce our students to a personal relationship with Jesus.

Religion is a core academic subject conducted daily.  Students are expected to know the basics of the Catechism, referred to as Basic Catholic Teachings or BCTs. They are quizzed regularly in the classroom and by Father Maletta.

Grade 1 Question List
Grade 2 Question List
Grade 3 Question List
Grade 4 Question List
Grade 5 Question List

All students receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and Confirmation must attend sacrament-specific preparation classes in addition to the instruction in daily religion class. Eighth graders preparing for Confirmation must attend a retreat and complete 15 hours of community service. 
Concepts of Faith for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

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St. John the Evangelist Parental Involvement

Parents are expected to support the spiritual growth their children by praying with them, and attending Mass together on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Parents are asked to sign a covenant stating they will attend Mass with their children at St.John the Evangelist Parish.

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