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Parents who choose Catholic education for their children recognize the benefits far outweigh the costs. They realize that it is an investment for the future, one that cannot be measured in dollars and cents alone.


Additional information regarding St. John the Evangelist School's tuition can be obtained by contacting the school at (219) 365-5451.



Registration Fee for School Year 2025-26:

$100.00 per child for preschool through 8th grade (due at the time of registration)

Registration fee is non-refundable

Registration fee for CURRENT families increases to $150 per child if paid after February 7, 2025


View Chart for 2025-2026 school year​

Tuition Payment Plan




Each family signs a written payment plan. Tuition may be paid directly to the school office annually, quarterly, or on a ten-month basis for kindergarten through eighth grade. Preschool payments are paid over 9 months, September through May.



As is the case at most Catholic schools, tuition at St. John the Evangelist does not cover the complete cost of education. A percentage cost is paid by parish through regular Sunday collections. St. John the Evangelist parish school families must use the parish envelope with a minimum contribution of $600.00 per year per family for grades K-8. This contribution must be made from July through May 1st of the current school year. A statement is mailed to all parish school families who have not paid parish support through their envelopes. This statement will include a notice that if their obligation is not met, they will be billed the non-parishioner rate of tuition per child. This statement also includes that only contributions made in weekly church envelopes are recorded toward this obligation. The Parish Office determines parishioner status.



Members of Holy Name parish pay support to Holy Name. Tuition payments for Holy Name parishioners are paid directly to St. John the Evangelist School.



Non-parishioner tuition is based upon the projected total cost of educating one child. Non-parishioners are required to pay tuition on either a quarterly or annual basis. The first quarterly payment is due in August before school begins. Annual payments are also due at that time.



To learn more about the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program and whether you qualify, please contact Angie Buchanan or visit the Choice Scholarship website for more information. 

The Diocese of Gary tuition assistance applications for the 2024-2025 school year open February 1, 2024.  FACTS Management will continue to provide and process our tuition assistance applications. The applications are only online at the following link,  There are no paper applications.  However, there is a second round that will be determined in July.
Tuition assistance is only open to Catholic families who are registered members of parishes within the Diocese of Gary.  You may complete an application if you have children entering grades kindergarten through twelve.  Pre-school students and those in elementary schools receiving the School Choice Scholarship are not eligible for tuition assistance.  There is a $35 fee per family to apply, and only completed applications will be considered.  If you need help with the application, FACTS will have an e-mail address, phone number, and chat line on the application website for customer service.  


View service hour requirements for 2024-2025 school year on the HSA Page.

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