Students in kindergarten through eighth grade are required to wear the uniform as outlined in the dress code. In addition, students in kindergarten through grade eight wear the described uniform for physical education class. The clothing and appearance of all students should be appropriate, modest and neat. Uniforms permit a neat, consistent appearance and assist students as they concentrate on their studies. School faculty and administration strictly enforce the uniform dress code.
A video outlining our standard uniform is available for parents to watch. The full dress code is available in the appendix of the Handbook.
Sacramental dress code information is available under the "Other Quick Links" heading on the Forms & Links page under the Parents page.
Uniforms may be purchased online or in-person from the following company:
Gym Uniforms, Spirit Wear, Fleece and Quarter Zips
French Toast Uniforms
Girls K-5 Green or White Polo*
​*Yellow polos are being phased out after the 2024-25 school year
School Spirit Days are scheduled monthly. A video for parents outlining spirit wear and nut days is available for parents to watch. On these days students may wear clothing that is official St. John the Evangelist spirit wear. Specifics are outlined in the dress code in the parent and student handbook. Spirit wear is available for purchase through our Tee Party online store. In addition, the school has a small inventory of spirit wear available for purchase. Contact Jackie Tuley to make a purchase.
Occasionally, students are allowed to dress out of uniform for special days or special rewards. Clothing worn for N.U.T. days is to be neat and modest and a student's appearance must conform to the dress code.